On Tending the Garden (and Fighting Kudzu IA)
“Kudzu IA” becomes a cognitive tangle for users and customers to follow. When you ask people to understand the maze of links presented to them, needless complexity turns into needless cognitive load. User confusion comes out in the analytics. You find users pogoing between pages trying to fulfill their goals. Eventually, they give up.
Full-stack UXers: Who They Are and How to Find Them
Contrary to what the title might suggest the role of full-stack UXer doesn’t call for someone with a deep mastery of every part of the design trajectory. In practice, there are very few pros who are as skilled in programming languages as they are in pixel-perfect design.
Full-stack UXers: Who They Are and How to Find Them
Contrary to what the title might suggest the role of full-stack UXer doesn’t call for someone with a deep mastery of every part of the design trajectory. In practice, there are very few pros who are as skilled in programming languages as they are in pixel-perfect design.