CSS Properties to Make Hyperlinks More Attractive

There are several new CSS properties available for customizing hyperlinks, giving you a higher level of control over spacing, sizing, and more.
The post CSS Properties to Make Hyperlinks More Attractive appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
The Dos & Don’ts for Styling Hyperlinks

What should we keep in mind when styling hyperlinks? Here are some tips for making them beautiful and keeping them usable.
The post The Dos & Don’ts for Styling Hyperlinks appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
The Dos & Don’ts for Styling Hyperlinks

What should we keep in mind when styling hyperlinks? Here are some tips for making them beautiful and keeping them usable.
The post The Dos & Don’ts for Styling Hyperlinks appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
How to Detect User Preferences with CSS

Web design is all about building user interfaces (UI). It’s a massive part of what we do. We create something that we think users will like. We often use established…
The post How to Detect User Preferences with CSS appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
Better Responsive Design With CSS clamp()

With so many mobile devices on the market, we’re flooded with viewport sizes. That makes it especially challenging to design a fully-responsive website. CSS media queries have long been the…
The post Better Responsive Design With CSS clamp() appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
25 Fantastic Tutorials For Learning Figma

From UI basics to more advanced techniques, with the help of these tutorials, you’ll be able to learn and master Figma in no time.
The post 25 Fantastic Tutorials For Learning Figma appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
The CSS Practices That Can Hurt Accessibility

We take a look at a few CSS practices that can hurt accessibility, including common features that will require careful consideration.
The post The CSS Practices That Can Hurt Accessibility appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
The CSS Practices That Can Hurt Accessibility

We take a look at a few CSS practices that can hurt accessibility, including common features that will require careful consideration.
The post The CSS Practices That Can Hurt Accessibility appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
How to Target Design Elements with the CSS :not Pseudo-Class

:not allows you to target elements that do not match a list of provided selectors. The result is more control over niche design features.
The post How to Target Design Elements with the CSS :not Pseudo-Class appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
How to Target Design Elements with the CSS :not Pseudo-Class

:not allows you to target elements that do not match a list of provided selectors. The result is more control over niche design features.
The post How to Target Design Elements with the CSS :not Pseudo-Class appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.