Writing Digital Content That Works (Wherever It Might Live)
As more organizations focus on creating unique and valuable content for the web, the need for well trained content creators grows. UX Booth columnist Carrie Hane wants to help make sure digital content creators are well equipped to handle the job.
Navigating Healthcare with Content Strategy
UX Booth’s own editorial director Marli Mesibov will be speaking at the 2017 Health IT Marketing and PR Conference (HITMC) in Las Vegas about content strategy challenges in healthcare. She’ll be walking through a robust case study, and sharing her lessons learned.
Content Strategy Needs Content Strategists
Even when content strategy is given priority in design, hiring content strategists is too often not. Yet someone needs to be responsible for determining not only what content needs to be created, but also how it is created and produced and published! This week, author and content strategist Carrie Hane guides us in the many ways a content strategist can improve the design process.