What is the best chart to present multi dimensional data?

Question to UX/Data/Subject Matter Experts: I’m working on a Call Analysis app where one of the chart is to present the aggregate value of “Call Quality by Client Health by Call Type”.
These are the values for each of the parameters:
- Call Quality: Good, Fair, Poor, Unknown (> 70 is good, 30 and 70 is fair, < 30 is poor)
- Client Health (eg: PC, laptop, mobile etc): Good, Fair, Poor, Unknown (> 50 is good, 25 to 50 is fair, < 25 is poor)
- Call Type: Audio, Video, Desktop Sharing
If you look in this chart below, in the x-axis I have Call Type, and in y-axis I have Client health on the left side and Client Quality on the right side.
If you look at the Audio vertical bars and Client Health …
What we are planning to show on this chart are aggregate numbers …
How do we do that in the current instance where Audio is a vertical bar and Client Health on the left side Y-Axis (leaving aside Call Quality for now) is divided into Good, Average and Poor?
How can we say that there are 40 Audio calls with good CH, 30 with Average CH and 40 with Poor CH? Likewise for Call Quality also?
Is there any better way of representing this data?
Thanks in advance!