What is the best way for a college freshman to learn enough about UX design to be valuable to a startup in 3 years?

First, don’t call it “UX Design”. Call it Product Design. You’ll earn far more credibility by calling it something tangible start-up leaders can point to and dissect intelligibly as part of their business model/plan. “User Experience Design” is a vague erratic phrase from the dot com era that C-Level folks don’t grok.
Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of visual design (type, color, grids, layouts) by studying Mullet/Sano’s Designing Visual Interfaces. Practice critiquing sites and products against visual qualities of communication of affordances and tone/voice/quality. Start the path of gaining that sensitivity, which takes years.
Start sketching and keep a sketchbook with you at all times. Jot down ideas, sketch solutions, and constantly iterate, fast. Jot down the reasons for/against possible solutions. Revisit, repeatedly, after reflection.
Know the basics of user research methods and cog psych principles, concepts like affordances, cognitive load/chunking information, basic user/screen/input ergonomics, Fitts Law, etc. A/B testing vs heuristic eval vs contextual inquiry, etc.
Start thinking about flow, scenario, tasks, goals, activities. Look at how you use your iPhone or Tivo or XBox or Microwave even. What’s the sequence of actions, feedback/information loops, hierarchies of needs/values in getting tasks done, etc. Sketch out the flow of actions, accounting for error states or diversion paths, sub-paths, etc.
Read Don Norman’s Design of Everyday Things. Great rundown of the basics of basic usability concepts and examples.
Always ask yourself how to simplify, simplify, simplify: visuals, behaviors, navigational paths/error states, and terminology.
Learn how to prototype, from click-throughs to HTML/CSS/JQuery or Flash/Flex/AIR tools. Study the digital behavior and affordances of online and desktop apps, and on your iPhone/Android device. Look at the timing, transitions, visual effects, all those cues.
Keep asking yourself how to make something better, in terms of visuals, behaviors, information architecture/navigation paths, simplifying and unifying elements. Start developing that sensitivity now so that in 3 years you’ll be sufficiently valuable to a start-up.
And start designing something now 🙂 Either fix up an existing product or invent something as a hobby, for practice. Enjoy!
Is it true that UX people have a hard time working for Google?

Charles WarrenDoing good design is hard wherever you work. At Google, us UX designers are finding more and more opportunities to truly lead Product Design. One great example is our turn-by-turn navigation product for Android. The team was co-led by UX…
What qualities do the best UX professionals have?

You must be humble enough to recognize your own human limitations,
including the cognitive biases that you bring to the table. You must be
humble enough to recognize the best idea whether it is your own or
someone else’s. You must be humble enough to learn from subject matter
experts or users or business stakeholders. You must be humble enough to
take constructive criticism without taking it personally. And you must
be humble enough to understand where your strengths end and those of
your team begin.
How would you describe your user experience design philosophy in one sentence?

The best thing about users is they eventually all die. Users come to a design with certain expectations, until they don’t anymore.
Good design is invisible. If a design draws focus to itself, instead of the users’ objective, it is not a good design.
Risk averse companies produce crap.
Design is not immune to Sturgeon’s Law. Sturgeon’s Law: 99% of everything is crap. How do you prevent your design from being in that 99%?
What qualities do the best UX professionals have?

Dan SafferThe ability to quickly see to the actual problem, not just the issues that result from that problem.The ability to visualize that problem.The ability to generate multiple solutions to the problem, then discuss the pros and cons of each.The a…
What is the difference between information architecture and user experience design?

Information Architecture is a component of User Experience Design. IA is focused on the organization and “findability” of content which are important elements of designing the overall user experience.
What are the differences between UX, Interaction, UI and graphic/visual designers? Are these distinctions helpful or damaging to our field?

The new term going forward is likely to be Product Designer.
If you want to qualify it, you could say Digital Product Designer, but since nearly everything we make and buy in the future will have some sort of technology and code component, that is probably redundant.
I’ve renamed my team to the Product Design team and moved all their titles to product designers, and many other tech companies are now making that transition as well. The Facebook design team call themselves product designers, and many new startups and VCs are asking for product design. It’s a term that is better suited than UX, UI, UED, IA or IxD inside the corporate structure, and is a term that requires the designer to be focused and held accountable on the thing that they make: a product. It’s a term that also allows one to be multi-skilled or multi-faceted for their design work, so it creates a nice transition path for those whose skills may have been too siloed or walled off over the past decade. And yet the term is forgiving enough to not require those skills today while still being able to evolve as time moves on and people get better at this thing we call design.
It puts the designer on par with product managers as well for those in larger corporations, and while a lot of people say engineering or development, they really mean product engineering or product development, so it levels the playing field for designers in that context as well.
It allows business folks and recruiters to easily understand what you do while being broad enough to mean you can make something like software apps for desktop or mobile, design the Kinect, or build something like a robotic vacuum cleaner.
People get products, and in the end, product designers will be beholden to businesses in the same way that graphic designers are beholden to advertising. Our jobs exist to make money, and we exist in a corporate or capitalist environment. Otherwise we’d simply be artists.
What is the most designer-friendly and intuitive wireframing and/or UX app?

Andrew PetersNEW ANSWERSketch!Bohemian Coding – Sketch 3….OLD ANSWER: ADOBE FIREWORKS – without a doubt is the best wireframe and prototype design app. Unlike all the other tools, it was designed specifically for screen design and prototyping. It is…
What is the most designer-friendly and intuitive wireframing and/or UX app?

Mark LittlewoodBalsamiq just rocks. Anything more polished or complicated just seems to be a waste of focused effort – why spend time polishing something that is never going to be used. Spend the extra resource making real products.See Questions On Quora