The Digital Ethics Compass is a noteworthy attempt to encapsulate some of the key considerations that will help address some common oversight when it comes to the design of digital products and services.
The Digital Ethics Compass is a noteworthy attempt to encapsulate some of the key considerations that will help address some common oversight when it comes to the design of digital products and services.
Currently I’m using amber alert messages for system errors, for a web application I’m designing, however the PM has come back asking if red alerts would be more suitable for these system errors.
My assumption is that red error alerts are u…
Content provider for a website heavily pushes case studies as a way of helping the user to make their financial decisions.
For example: Jane is a 32 year old single mum who works part time, she choose to do X, Bob is a 24 married man with…
I have a tree view control that has two modes, one mode is search mode where items are filtered and presented as a flattened list, other mode is a regular tree view.
When items are filtered and therefore it’s a list, the sorting by columns…
Is there any convention about positions/order to display options buttons/radio- buttons/checkboxes for values as:
"Very low","Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High"
for attributes as Impact, R…
Is there any convention about positions/order to display options buttons/radio- buttons/checkboxes for values as:
"Very low","Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High"
for attributes as Impact, R…
I have implemented a horizontal Filtering bar based on articles posted by Baymard. Link Here
I revised my original concept to be a more standard dropdown however the Client has come back and requested a Filter mega menu. I have a good feel…