Can using animation positively lengthen the user journey

When users use an app or a website, different levels of effort and cognitive load are needed at each point of the user journey.

While various negative factors cause bad UX can potentially shorten a user journey, would it be possible that various types of animation like micro interactions and transitions could have a positive impact on lengthening the user journey?

This could be analogous to how certain games reward users with video clips, animation or virtual rewards at the end of completing a task or goal.

By the same logic, can providing small doses of delightful animation at the end of each task/goal lengthen a user's journey?

e.g. compare showing a registration confirmation animation at the end of a lengthy registration form, vs just showing a static confirmation message. would the version that had the animation have a positive effect on the rest of the users journey?

Has any research been done on this before or do you have any experience or examples that could relate to this?