Can someone tell me SIMPLY the difference between site maps and IA Document?

1ST QUESTION: What is the difference between these two types of paper or electronic documents often created during a UX process for a website or app:

1) Information Architecture document (IA Hierarchy or IA Diagram or IA Model)

2) Site Map

NOTE: By site map I am NOT talking about a graphical representation of a website that used to be a common feature of web sites in the early 90's nor do I mean the file used by search engine robots...I'm talking about a paper or electronic document a UXer would create.

If you put the two documents side by side what would be the difference between the two for the same site or app?

I was postulating that maybe the difference is, bottom line, that an IA document is about identifying content types or categories while a site map document is about how one would navigate to that content but I'm not sure. Both documents present organizational structures for content.

Could one say that the IA document is about the content types or categories your site will have as in “my site will have page about dogs” while the site map shows where the dog content will be located in your Pet Store’s web site hierarchy and how users will be able to navigate to it?

2ND QUESTION: Should the FUNCTIONS one can do on a site or an app be part of either a Information Architecture document OR a site map OR both? By function, I mean like in a task management app, being able to attach a document to a task you've created is a function.