Can some part of my app have their own tabbar in a iOS app?

I trying to design my iOS app, and I’m going to 2 bottom tab bar on different page. I would like if it’s good and a another better way exists.

Here is why:

When I log in my app, I would like user to be in the main page « Projects ». It’s like a dashboard. Here I have a list of projects and tabbar with Projects, Search, Settings as tab.

When user clicks on one of the projects, I’m going to the Home of the project, with a new tabbar with « Home, Documents, Add, Memories ».

Tabs of this tabbar is only available for « Project » not « ProjectS »

Tabs of Projects « Could be » on Project but I think should be a mess.

So question is, can I continue on this way? Or Is there a better way to handle that (only 1 tabbar or something...)?

Edit : Or is it okay if the first main screen "Projects" doesn't have a tabbar to avoid user to be confuse?