Can i use a dropdown selection on a Material Design card
So i made a Material Design Card, but as usual after feedback a problem hit my mind.
Can i use a dropdown selection on a Material Design card, let me explain a little more, in this app witch i cant reveal its main function but lets give it a try, theres a Admin user that can create, delete and Edit... so this User needs to fill a couple of data to make this event witch include: Location, Name, Location, Short Description and a Benefit (This is where we want to make the dropdown selection) so there would be options like: 2x1, Ladies Night, Free, etc.
All this is made on a Material Design Card, but im not sure if those can contain Dropdowns.
Below you guys can find a photo of the card (Its on spanish but i guess it will work)
The section with the red rectangle line its the topic on discussion, in this photo ITS NOT a dropdown, just a text field where the user can write the benefit (We prefer not to do that)
Here's the link to the Material Design Card: