Can I display heading below its tabs?

Look at the navigation. In the upper mockup I have User's profile with a few tabs and there's no header, just the information about the user below (something like here on UX Stack Exchange). Also I am not showing the avatar within other tabs in User's profile, so the content is different every time, just the tabs stay. In the bottom mockup I have a particular game page, also with tabs, but with a header this time to inform users which game they are dealing with now (and this time the header is placed within its every tab)/

There's also indication of both "categories" in the sidebar.

And I am struggling with a dilemma.

  • On one hand, I would like to put the "Game name 1" header above the tabs, so the hierarchy is shown - after all those tabs refer to this game.
  • On the other hand though, I would really like to keep it consistent, meaning the tabs would stay in the same place, no matter the page. (and this is the solution I am leaning towards, as shown in the mockups)

What do I do? Is the second solution mentioned above (not the mockup) wrong?

[enter image description here

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