Can I change where Windows 10 prioritizes extensions in its alphabetical sorting?

I need to preface this with the fact I know nothing about coding, so all answers should probably explain in some degree more detail than might be used otherwise. I also don't know if I'm in the right place. If not, I'm sorry.

I am using Windows 10. I have some files I want to be sorted like this:

  • Character A.doc
  • Character A Alone.png
  • Character A Mount.png

Instead, they are ordered:

  • Character A Alone.png
  • Character A Mount.png
  • Character A.doc

I can be anal about some things, and this is one of them. I don't want to add any random characters to push or pull these files around, I want them to sort how it makes sense: the shorter file name in front.

I hate that this character's files need special treatment to keep the same document>image listing every other character has. I hate that I don't get the clean sorting I want. I am absolutely willing to go in and mess with the system coding to make it do what I want as long as that isn't illegal in some way I don't know about and isn't going to break something in the process. I just want this to work for me.