By showing less information am I letting the user focus on that information more?

So, currently I'm developing an app which shows you ads nears you, if you are interested you swipe right if you are not you swipe left.

Initially, in my first prototype of the app I tried an infinite scroll, which turned out to look, in my opinion, very boring and easy to get distracted. Then, I thought about showing a fixed number of ads, I tried it and it turned out to be much easier to focus on those few ads.

By this logic, showing only one ad would be the best since the user can fully focus on that one, but, since I'm showing ads I also want the user to be able to find something he likes without having to focus too much on every ad. Also I think that by showing more than one at the same time the user feels he has more options.

My questions are:

  • Is my premise right? (maybe an infinite scroll is my best choice)

  • If showing a fixed number of ads at the same time is the best option, would one have the same impact on the user than showing three, or two?

  • How would I show, for instance, three ads and make sure the user knows that he can be interested on all three, or none? (That he hasn't got to choose a single one)

Here is a screenshot of my app so you guys can visualize what I'm talking about maybe a little bit easier.

enter image description here

I would appreciate any kind of tip. Thanks!!