Button naming/label conventions and best practices

My question is about buttons. How to better name buttons? Do you know if there is any guide, naming conventions, guidelines to follow for better naming buttons in your product/software/dashboard? I haven't find any guide out there that is consistent, and when looking for examples in famous products it's hard to find answers because each one follows different rules or no rules at all.

I'm looking for consistency and better practices, let me know if you can help!

Practical examples/questions:

1 - I have a primary button that does the following action: It creates a new report.

What is the best option?

A) Always use the following structure in all your buttons such as: Action verb + Item name. Ex: Create Report.

B) Just use a generic structure such as: Create New, no matter what you are creating.

C) or just combine both: Create New Report.

Ok, let's say better option, would be A) Create Report. If we look to mailchimp, that is a good reference, they do that, they always tell what the user is creating/doing, that's good because it reminds people about stuff and they don't need to guess. But, what happens when you have a big tittle? You get a giant button, such as: Create Summarised Report. What to do in this case?

And what about simple buttons such as, delete, edit, etc. Imagine that if you decided to use that structure: Verb + Item in all the place you would get even bigger buttons everywhere, such as: Delete Summarised Report, Edit Summarised Report, and so on...

Would it be better to use just Delete, Edit, and so on for the less important buttons that do small actions? What would be the best way to do it?

My goal is to create a guideline and documentation about naming buttons so we can make it consistent in all the places, but, the problem is being specific hurts the design, and not being specific hurst the UX, what is the balance? how to find a better way to have great design and great ux?