Bluehost Website Builder: How to add a page which does not show in the menu

I am working on my first website. I use the Bluehost Website Builder to do so. It is easy to use and I need it to be easy in the beginning.

I have created a page, which showcases a few of my work samples and a small explanation next to it. There is a button "Learn more" below the text. When I click the button, I want to be redirected to another page of my website. I do not want this other page to appear in my menu though.

When I click on the button, a menu appears, which allows for selecting a link that the button is suppossed to follow. I can select the page of my website that I want to open. When doing so, though, the page name is automatically added to my menu.


When I navigate to Menu & Pages, click the three dots next to the page I want to remove from the menu and then select "remove from primary menu", the link of the button won't work anymore.

The only solution I have found so far is to make the page that I don't want to show up in my menu a subitem. I don't want this either, though, especially, because now my main page of My Work does not show in the list of submenus and I don't think any user will click on My Work directly:



So, my question is: Is this at all possible with Bluehost Website Builder? If it isn't, is there a way to integrate this feature while still maintaining Bluehost Website Builder as my main plugin I use to create the website? I could also live with a solution that has My Work show up in the submenu as well. Preferably, however, the Product 1 page won't show in any menu.

Looking forward to hearing some great ideas!