Best way to show a subset of fields base on use case

I am rewriting a user interface for an application that generates licenses. Currently the interface is one page with all possible fields and check boxes for licences/license combinations. The goal is to streamline the license generation for 2 particular use cases, but still have all of the options accessible.

The two use cases allow us to default many of the fields/checkboxes.

What is the best design pattern for displaying this?

Options I am currently considering:

  1. Tabs for each use case which shows only the non-defaulted fields for each use case, last tab has all fields/checkboxes.
  2. Show all of the options but have a radio button at the top to pick which use case. Then some of the fields could be defaulted/filled-in based on the selected use case.
  3. Similar to option 2 but dynamically hide the defaulted fields for depending on which use case is selected.