Best way to import several data (objects) with excel files?

I am working on an application for an Organization that provides different kind of education services to people and we want to make the process of registering Education Staff easier and faster. We understand that the first time, the Organization Admin will need to register a big deal of Teachers, that is why they asked to be able to import Data from an excel file. The issue is that each teacher will have related information that needs to be setup from the begging as well, for example: - Each Teacher needs to have a list of Students assigned - Each Teacher needs to have a list of Assignations (e.g. Music, Math, Sports, etc.)

Currently we ask User to do it in 3 steps:

  1. User upload the New Teachers file. Something like this: enter image description here
  2. Application inserts the new teachers and gives database Ids to each of them.
  3. User download the list of new teachers with Ids, so they can create two more excel files: -- One to link teachers to the list of students. -- Another to link teachers to Assignments

Teacher-Assignments file:

enter image description here

Teacher-Students file:

enter image description here

  1. User upload the Teacher-Assignments and the Teacher-Students

I was wondering if there is a way to upload all the information in just one excel file? or if you have any ideas to make this process easier for user?