Best way to display a Payment Request API button in chrome?

On our e-commerce website, we've decided to support the payment request API for apple/google pay as an option for quick checkout. What is the best button text/design to make people understand what it is?

Our current solution looks like this (the default button by stripe in chrome):

pay now and enter your details buttons in the checkout

Then when you click it you can choose your payment options using the native form: enter image description here

We have been getting calls from customer who are frustrated and confused - we believe they've clicked the "pay now" button not understanding what it means, and then getting confused by the browser native form.

So I somehow want people who understand what it is to click it, (as it gives a very fast purchase experience) while funneling people who don't know what it is into the classic fill in your details flow.

Does anyone have any experience with how to communicate what the payment request API is and how it works to customers, and if so what is your advice?