Best UI pattern to group multiple uncategorised items (i.e. questions)

Problem: User has an ability to add x number of questions (uncategorized questions). Normally, user adds 2 - 5 questions. However, the problem is when the user add more than 10. The tricky part that I haven't thought of how to implement is when they add 200 questions.

The current implementation was just to stack up together the questions so user can easily make some changes to all questions. However, if that is more than 10 question, user needs to scroll down which is tedious but still works. But with 200 questions, that's like unlimited scrolling.

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Some solutions I thought:

Pagination This definitely is not a good solution. It's confusing. I was thinking maybe there's a good way to make use of pagination though so maybe you have some ideas.

Checkbox Table I think this approach could be possible. The problem though is user can't easily make some changes on the question. In addition, that means I would have another functionality of adding groups. There are possible workflow changes to suit this kind of approach but can't think of any yet at the moment.

Note: The user can select the type of question he wants to add: multiple choice or essay-type.

I'm currently exploring on the best solution and to be honest, I haven't really thought of any design approach to take yet. Would love to know our thoughts if you encountered something similar.

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