Best Three Prototyping Tools You Should Be Using By Now Sponsored

App and website designers, developers, and project managers always need to be on the same page. Prototyping tools often serve as the most effective means of communication. As for prototyping itself, it’s a key step toward successful web or mobile app development.

Team members and project managers need to know how the design phase is proceeding. Clients need to understand how a proposed website or app is expected to perform. Documentation is generally not well suited for providing this information. Besides, verbal presentations are not much better.

Prototyping tools, on the other hand, are very useful in this sense. They can be invaluable in providing clear descriptions to all interested parties.

How to evaluate a prototyping tool? Look for its ability to demonstrate visual and interaction design features. It should also perfectly show the design consistency.

In addition, pay attention to its collaboration features and capabilities. The assets it provides to developers also matter a lot. You can find all of this in these top app and website prototyping tools.

1. Justinmind

Justinmind prototyping tools app wireframe prototype mockup application

The best prototyping tools help designers and teams avoid rework. They also speed up both the prototyping and design processes by reusing and sharing content.

Justinmind has these essential features in spades, along with all the other functions you should expect from app and website prototyping tools. This all-in-one prototyping tool featuring more than 4,000 pre-made UI elements for desktop and mobile applications is one of the best platforms for application definition.

Designers love Justinmind for the way it helps to speed up the creative process and optimize designer-developer communications. Developers love this tool because of the way it helps design teams provide complete and accurate design specs, including well-defined interactions, gestures, and transitions for mobile apps.

Justinmind integrates easily with the most widely used design tools including Sketch and Photoshop. You can add assets and images from these tools, from your browser, or from your file system, and you can even create your own UI libraries with Justinmind.

All that, and you can download it for free.

2. Supernova

Supernova prototyping tools app wireframe prototype mockup application

Supernova is definitely one of the best prototyping tools on the market, but what is most surprising is the number of additional features and functions that have been embedded into this highly useful tool.

Rather than simply building a prototype from design elements, Supernova can take a Sketch design and convert it into high-quality, production-ready code for Android, iOS, and React Native.

This tool will also automate most of the tedious and repetitious tasks usually associated with mobile development – including code and resource exporting and file naming. Supernova creates responsive, pixel-perfect apps. It’s currently available exclusively on the Mac although other platforms are planned to be added in the not-to-distant future. Supernova’s complete set of prototyping tools are free to use, with code export being a paid option. Companion apps for iOS and Android enable testing on devices, while Supernova Cloud enables mobile apps to be run on the web.

3. Savah App

Savah App prototyping tools app wireframe prototype mockup application

Savah App is a one-stop platform for prototyping and design collaboration. It’s also one of the best app and website prototyping tools and interactive prototyping tools currently on the market.

With Savah App you can automate your project workflow during the design phase, sync design screens with Dropbox and Sketch, and collaborate with team members and stakeholders to get automated feedback on your prototypes.

Your prototypes can be tested across all devices, including iPhone X and Smartwatch. Savah also provides a password-protected design information and prototype repository. As your design progresses, your prototypes and associated information is kept under version control and you can make side-by-side comparisons of prototypes at any time.

Savah App is a top value tool for freelancers and small teams. It offers a free3-project plan and 3 paid plans (Solo and 5- and 10-person teams).

The Benefits of Prototyping

Prototyping has advantages and disadvantages as a software design approach. The former is significantly outweighing the latter for larger, more complex projects. Especially those that would stand to benefit from team collaboration.

Prototyping doesn’t just happen. It typically plays an ancillary role in the design phase. Also, it’s a valuable means of getting information and feedback when and where it will do the most good.

As new tools have come into the market prototyping has become easier and less expensive. The best prototyping tools on the market today have made prototyping extremely affordable. In some cases, even free. Advantages vs. disadvantages is no longer an issue. The issue now is how to make the most of the many advantages.

What are these advantages and the benefits they provide? They are very similar for interactive prototyping tools and UI prototyping tools. the same goes for an app and website prototyping tools, or prototyping tools in general.

  • Prototyping helps to better interpret systems requirements and functionality. It aids in eliminating ambiguities and discovering omissions.
  • Prototyping provides a means to ensure a software product will do what it is intended to do. This is as opposed to what it is thought to do.
  • Prototyping greatly assists developers. It does so by demonstrating how the proposed system is expected to function. It can serve as the walkthrough is highly detailed or simply provide some insights.
  • Prototyping saves you time and rework. It catches and addresses problems early in the design phase.
  • Prototyping provides an excellent vehicle for information exchange. As such, it helps nail down what a product needs to do and how well it will do it. It helps to ensure that it will be fit for its intended purpose.
  • Prototyping helps to address loose ends and firm up a final design.
  • Prototyping gives stakeholders a greater sense of involvement in a project. This can often dramatically affect smoothly a project proceeds.
  • Prototyping makes it easier for developers to estimate costs and resource requirements.
  • Prototyping lays down reference points or markers. These can be referred to if necessary in the event of disputes.


The 3 prototyping tools are perfect examples of prototyping’s many benefits. They show what they can do for you and/or your project team. Each does more than simply provide a tool to build a prototype.

The focus is more on the benefits gained once a prototype has been built and is being shared with others. It’s the sharing, getting feedback, and testing that’s the most difficult part of prototyping. These best prototyping tools make it easy.

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