Best practices using free camera in 3D settings

We are looking to build an application with a 3D render of some object. We came across two different way of handling the camera with the mouse.

Setting 1 babylonJS (select 2-basic elements in the top right button):

  • left click + drag : rotates the camera around the object
  • mouse wheel : zoom in or out
  • rigth click + drag : move the camera in 2D (X / y Axys)

Setting 2 (seems to be unity3D, but i was unable to find a playground on the web)

  • left click + drag : move the camera in 2D (X / y Axys)
  • mouse wheel : zoom in or out
  • rigth click + drag : rotates the camera around the object

Is there an official best pratrice out there on how to use the mouse with a free camera?

In the same line of thoughts, is there best practice for using a free camera with fingers? I'm guessing:

  • Two fingers rotation: to rotate camera around the object
  • Pitch : to zoom in or out
  • One finger move: move the camera 2D (X / y Axys)


Is there any research / best pratices on the way to handle a free camera?