Best practices for using check mark or X to fill out an attendance sheet

Part of my duties at my job are to take meeting minutes, which are then uploaded and shared within the Organization and throughout the State. The previous tech writer made a hard-to-read table, where all the gridlines were visible; your basic unformatted Word table. They used an X to mark who was present.

I was given the freedom to create a fresher, cleaner template with hidden lines and zebra stripes. I also use a checkmark next to who was present.

This led to a conversation with a friend and fellow tech writer who said they always use an X to mark who is present. I associate that with "no", "negative", "not present". Whenever I encounter checkbox on a paper form, I've always used a checkmark instead of an X.

My question is, what is the best approach to indicating whether or not someone is present? A more concrete example is if you were creating a webpage that compared features between 2+ products, and you wanted to indicate Product B had features that Product A did not, aside from a bullet, would you use a check or X to say that feature was included?