Best layout/design for profile CRUD actions suggestions
I am currently working on a university project on an android app, that communicates with a device via Bluetooth and uploads profiles to it. So in the app I have a UI that provides different CRUD actions. Basically there are 3 Fragments(pages) where all the profile actions can be done.
Page A: all profiles are listed, and a new profile can be added. When tapping once on a profile element, you get to page B.
Page B: The profile Info is listed here. Here the user can choose the profile to be selected by clicking the "Auswählen" button. The user can also upload the profile directly to the connected device(grayed out because no device connected) by clicking the "Flaschenwärmer Shortcut" button. When the main FAB on the top is clicked page C will appear.
Page C: here the profile can be edited, deleted and saved.
I don't have a lot of experience in UX and designing UI's. But what I don't like yet is page B, because there are so many primary actions and only the edit button is highlighted, however the most important action should probably be the "auswählen" Button. Maybe the page B can even be dropped completely? Is there a good/better way to use all functions but in a more compact way maybe? Or do you think that this is already a good way?
Is the design and layout intuitive in your opinion?