Best horizontal order of icons for list-based operations (e.g. edit/delete or delete/edit)

we are redesigning a web-based application that handles a lot of lists, where every line represents a single item. Like a list of emails or a list of books. Every item offers 3 functionalities: delete, edit, clone. Each functionality is represented by a commonly used icon or a button, aligned to the right of the line.

Which would be the best order to use for these operations?

I have tried to research this, but I mainly found recommendations regarding icons themselves (which icons to use, how to color them, etc) or the age old discussion about which order of buttons OK/Cancel or Cancel/OK is best for dialogues. Both are not helping.

I tried to look at different other applications, like googlemail, but there does not seem to be any clear intention behind the order.

I tried looking into recommendations for the order of context menus, most commonly it is recommended to start with the most frequently used. In a context menu I would think (we don't currently have real user data): Edit, Clone, Delete.

But for a horizontal representation one might argue, that with the alignment to the right, the icons from left to right should be: Delete, Clone, Edit. This would bring the added bonus of making Edit easier to reach on mobile devices.

What do you think? Can anyone recommend reading material specifically for this kind of problem?
