Best compact way to indicate a range of possible results determined by dice rolls?

I'm currently adapting a board game into a video game. In the original rules, dice rolls are indicated as # + #. The first number indicating the number of dice to roll and the second indicating what to add to the results. So 3 + 2 means roll 3 dice and add 2 to the results. This made sense because it described what the player had to do to get the results and also vaguely the range those results could be.

However, in the video game the player is not responsible for rolling dice and really only concerned with the possible results. In this case does it make more sense to just indicate a minimum and maximum result? The program behind this would use the same dice rolling system as the board game where each die represents a 50% chance of increasing the result by 1. So in the 3 + 2 example above, the video game could instead display just the range of possible results which is 2-5.

Is the hiding the dice roll in now favor of a simple range easier to understand and more relevant in the video game? Or is displaying the underlying dice roll more informative and authentic to the original game being adapted? Or is there a clear way to indicate the result range prominently and but also the underlying dice roll subtly?