Being an Efficient Web Designer with Be Theme

When you started freelancing, you no doubt imagined you’d be enjoying a lifestyle with plenty of beach time. Getting clients wasn’t really a problem. But, finding the time to please them all proved to be a hopeless task. Especially if you were planning to have some time to enjoy the lifestyle you envisioned

Your vision of white sand beaches slowly morphed into the reality of deadlines to meet. I won’t avoid mentioning difficult clients, and more work than you could manage.

Enough is enough! Living the dolce far niente life is well within your reach. In fact, it is but 1 click away.

Be Theme Clears Your Schedule in 1 Second Flat

Is it possible to deliver websites to clients representing most businesses or niches on an average of 4 hours of your time per website? With Be Theme, a Top 5 ThemeForest bestseller, the answer is YES!

Be Theme offers single-click access to more than 260 pre-built websites. This cool 40-second video shows you how easy the installation process is.

With Be Theme, you can find the right match for a client in no time at all. You won’t waste time searching for a perfect fit, since these customizable pre-built websites allow you to make that perfect fit yourself.

Here are 10 Most-Common Types of Clients You’ll Win Over with Be Theme

For Clients Who Sell Online Courses: Be eLearning

Your eLearning client will be amazed when you create a user-friendly, intuitive website for this fast-growing niche in a matter of hours. The same client will also be pleasantly surprised when satisfied students begin to come back for more learning experiences.

For Clients Who Own Small Businesses: Be Craftbeer

Since there are so many kinds of small businesses, you could spend countless hours looking for themes to match them all. Be Craftbeer is not only ideal for handcrafted products, but, with its well-structured design, it can be customized to satisfy almost any small business client.

For Clients in the Interior Design & Architecture Business: Be Tiles

Under most circumstances, designing a website for an interior designer/architect can be a challenge. Not too many web designers understand this niche. Be Tiles will prove to your clients that you fully understand their needs and wants.

For Clients Working in Creative Industries: Be Artist

Clients in this niche are usually keenly aware of the latest innovations. You don’t have to spend hours reading up on the trends they’re following. Be Artist will provide what you need to allow these clients to show off their creative works.

For Clients Working in the Catering Industry: Be Burger

Large, mouth-watering images of food almost guarantee good conversion rates. That’s the focus on Be Burger, your go-to pre-built website for clients in the catering and food service industries. You can not only build a website quickly, but build one that will set your client apart from the competition.

For Clients in the Fitness and Wellness Industry: Be Sports Club

Sports, health, and fitness clubs keep growing in popularity. Plenty of clients are looking for an out-of-the-ordinary website; which you can provide with a little help from the Be Sports pre-built website. Modern design, and cool images and parallax effects – it’s all there!

For Clients in the Travel and Lodging Industry: Be Hotel2

A high-paying travel and lodging market client and the Be Hotel2 pre-built website combination can easily become your dream job. The focus is on images, but the relevant sections your client will be expecting are there as well, and you can build a complex and impressive website in 4 hours or less.

For Clients Who Own a Restaurant or Bistro: Be Restaurant

It’s almost a sure bet that you’ve never seen a restaurant website like this one before. Be Restaurant, with is special effect slider images, provides exactly the building block you need to satisfy a multi-star restaurant client, or the neighborhood bistro.

For Your IT Clients: Be VPN

IT clients can be a fussy lot. Clarity, precision, and innovation are three characteristics they demand in a website. Be VPN makes it easy to accommodate these types of clients. Within hours, you can give them a professional-looking website – with a friendly touch.

For Clients Who Sell Luxury Cars: Be Car

While Be Car’s stunning hero image is an attention-getter, everything about this pre-built website radiates a feeling of luxury and elegance. Your car dealer client will be in awe with what you deliver, and you’ll get credit for your brilliance and talent. With websites like these, you can start living your dream.

So, What’s Keeping You Away from Your Dream

It’s oh-so easy to come up with a short (or long) list of reasons why you’ll never succeed in enjoying the lifestyle you want. One reason for the inability to realize a dream is the natural resistance to change. The only way to do better is to work longer and harder, or so it seems.

The solution isn’t all that complicated. Find the right tool, and you can give your clients better quality websites, and deliver them faster than even you thought possible.

It’s simply a matter of finding the right theme, which you can do in seconds rather than hours, installing it with a single click, and customizing it give your clients what they expect – or more than they expect.

Stop working twice as long for half the money you want, and start working half the time for twice the money. It’s a no-brainer.


It’s time to take that leap. With Be Theme, the outcome (a positive one) is assured. It takes but 1 click to install a theme that will enable you to meet a client’s needs. With some customizing, a little tweaking here and there, and you’ll have a beautiful website up and running in 4 hours.

You don’t want having your free time interrupted by unhappy or indecisive clients. You can relax and enjoy life in the knowledge that you won’t be disturbed; except for the new, repeat, and referred clients, bidding for your services.

The post Being an Efficient Web Designer with Be Theme appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.