Be Theme: How to Use Procrastination to Boost Your Productivity

Everyone procrastinates. Some, more than others. If you’re a typical freelancer, you know that doing so can sometimes get you in trouble. You put off important work until the last minute, only to find yourself scrambling to meet a deadline. You’ll either miss it or deliver a substandard product.

The result: a dissatisfied client. Plus, a blot on your reputation as a professional designer/developer.

It’s admittedly a bad habit, but there is an exception. You can actually benefit from procrastinating – if you go about it the right way.

How Be Theme Helps You Procrastinate the Right Way

It’s good to give your mind an occasional rest; so long as you’re not putting something off that needs to get done. Be Theme shows you how to integrate procrastination into your design/development work. You’ll discover how setting a project aside for a short time can help you complete it more quickly, and do it better.

Meet Be Theme‘s Productive Procrastination concept. The concept helps you convert “wasted” time into productive time. Be Theme is the biggest WordPress theme, and a ThemeForest top 5 best seller. It has assembled a huge collection of pre-built websites for you. All of them are guaranteed to turn your idle time into productive time.

The Secret? Scroll through Be Theme’s More Than 270 Pre-built Websites!

Pour a cup of coffee, and enjoy scrolling through Be Theme’s 270+ pre-built websites. You’ll soon discover, that setting aside your work to do so, won’t be wasting your time at all. This is the largest collection of website design templates on the market. It covers over 30 different website styles and business niches.

You won’t get far before you begin picking up some excellent ideas for future projects, or for you present one. That’s not time wasted. That’s productivity calling your name.

Use these pre-built websites and their 1-click installer. Just like this, you will be able to kick of your projects will save you tons of time, and give you better results.

Here are some examples of what you’ll discover:

Starting with 60+ Templates for Creative Industries

Websites representing creative industries are many and varied. As a result, web designers often come up short when looking for themes to fit clients’ needs. Not so, when you have more than 60 different options to choose among. Although no two are the same, they all share something in common:

  • Their interactive, responsive galleries are perfect for portfolios and showcasing products
  • The large, high-quality images capture user attention
  • Navigation is intuitive, irrespective of website size or complexity
  • Clean structure makes it easy to highlight a client’s brand

Check these 6 examples out:


Ad Agency:





These, and the others, are ideal for:

  • Web designers, interior designers, and fashion designers
  • Bloggers
  • Advertising and marketing agencies
  • Photographers and video makers
  • Visual artists and architects, and
  • Beauty salons

30+ One-Page Pre-Built Websites

Pre-built websites can be a challenge because so many different clients have so many different ideas as to what they want. The one-page pre-built websites currently available include these four:

Landing Page:




Since each pre-built website is customizable, you have an unlimited number of options to work with, including:

  • Responsive websites for the mobile users
  • Great looking designs that include eye-catching images and an adroit use of white space
  • The flexibility necessary to structure your content just as you wish
  • Speed: Build a website, and have it up and running in less than 4 hours

For the eCommerce Crowd: 9+ Pre-built Websites for Online Shops





Features include:

  • Product galleries, intuitive menus, and easy to work with order forms
  • High quality images along with a design structure that makes it easy to spotlight products
  • Perfect integration with Shopify

Examples of Templates that Address Special Niches

20+ for Health and Wellness, Herbal:

12+ for Fitness and Nutrition, Sports Club:

16+ for Events and Nightlife, Club:

9+ for Restaurants, Bars, and Cafes, Bistro:

10+ for IT Services and Products, Code:

and, 7+ for Financing and Bookkeeping Accountant:

Why not practice a little Productive Procrastination right now? Scroll through Be Theme‘s impressive collection of 270+ pre-built websites.

Watch Fun Video Tutorials on YouTube

Watching a few informational videos on YouTube doesn’t require a lot of work. If you feel like setting some work aside for later, do so.

Try viewing this impressive library of Be Theme tutorials. It is yet another great form of Productive Procrastination!

The library includes, this guided tour:

a mini-tutorial on how to use their 1-click installer:

… and even a tutorial on how to import one of their 270+ pre-built websites

View Creative and Useful Infographics

Viewing videos isn’t exactly your cup of tea? No problem. You can rather spend your productive procrastination time checking out infographics.

Infographics have a lot to offer. Besides being eye-candy, they are often filled with interesting facts. They also contain information relevant to a project of yours, or your work in general.

Infographics can also spice up a website – they present information in a clever, colorful way.

Wrapping It Up

Trying to avoid procrastinating completely can be a frustrating and seemingly hopeless task. For some of us, it is pretty much a wired-in behavior. It’s one of those things that, if you even think about it, you’re probably going to do it.

Perhaps it’s time to give yourself some slack. At the same time, you can take advantage of some good things this otherwise bad habit has to offer.

  • Do you enjoy going through galleries? Then browse through Be Theme‘s 270+ pre-built websites to search for just the right theme(s) you need. It will be a rewarding experience!
  • Do you like watching videos? Tutorials provide an excellent way to learn new skills or pick up a few productivity tips.
  • Interesting and creative infographics are fun to scroll through, too. You’ll find some cool ways to better present website content.

The post Be Theme: How to Use Procrastination to Boost Your Productivity appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.