Avoid toggle switch on any page with save button?

I'm currently working on a tool which more or less requires a submit/save button on every page. This is due to avoid any immediate effect on the end user who consumes the content.

Sometimes, it feels natural for me to throw in a toggle switch as a way to activate or disable a feature.

For example, if I have an image that has already been uploaded and is serving users, I then decide to update it with a watermark. In the image editor interface, should this be a toggle switch or a checkbox? The editor has a save button to publish the changes publicly too.

The answer would be a checkbox according to the guidelines found on Nielsen Norman (and also other sources). This is because toggle switches should never be used unless the effect is immediate, like turning on/off airplane mode on your phone. It also states that a checkbox should be used if it requires a submit button.

With that said, does this simply mean I should never use toggle switches as all of my pages requires a "save" before applying changes? Or could "immediate" also be interpreted for things that update the interface visually, even though it's not saved? In the case of the example, a watermark being activated and shown (not yet saved).

Please note that I'm not actually working on an image editor, I'm mainly looking for a generic answer that could be applied anywhere.