Auto-completing sign up forms using email enrichment API

I am building a professional network and I am considering whether I should pre-fill sign-up form with the data that we obtain from the email enrichment API.

The current sign-up flow is:

  1. User gives their email.
  2. We send an email, which is used to authenticate user.
  3. Once they are authenticated, they are brought to the onboarding flow.
  4. The onboarding flow asks them questions such as: "What is your name?" "What is your Twitter?", etc.

This question is regarding the last step.

In theory, we don't need to ask the user to enter most of this data because we can pull it from email enrichment APIs. Just by having user's email (90% of the time) we can already pull their full name, their social profiles, and most of the other typical information about user's public presence. Therefore, should we just pre-fill this information for the user?

enter image description here

If we were to follow this pattern, the first thing that the user would see after clicking on the link we've sent to their email would be this form with their first name and last name pre-filled and advising about the source of the information.

Has anyone done it before?

How was this perceived?

What are the possible downsides?