Should entry page auto close after saved?

Should we provide options at the bottom of the entry page to either 'Save and Create Another' 'Save and Close' and 'Save' at the bottom of the page. This gives power for user on their actions after saving the entry. Is there any better ways to tackle this? Can continue reading for context.



  • Students list
  • Courses list
  • Add New
    -- Student
    -- Course

enter image description here


When user wants to add a new student, user can:

  1. Click shortcut from menu: Enrollment > Add New > Student OR
  2. Open Student list and there's 'Add New' button to add new student

Either ways user choose, it will:

  1. Open a new tab for 'New Student' so user can add student details in the tab
  2. When user already complete the details, user can click 'Save'
  3. User can also tick the 'Create Another' checkbox then click 'Save' so it will empty the form for user to fill out a new entry
  4. After user click 'Save' for the first time, the new student will be added into the system.
  5. Normally when user have saved the details, they will review the details straight away then proceed to click the 'Print' inside option button.

enter image description here


  1. The product owner requests to make the 'New Student' tab to automatically close when user 'Save' new student.
  2. If this is implemented, user can't review details and print straight away after saving because the tab is auto closed.
  3. They have to open the 'Students List' and select which student from the listing they want to view.

This will create friction in the user experience so I was thinking to provide both options in the 'New Student' tab which are 'Create Another' 'Save and Close' or 'Save' at the bottom of the tab. This gives power for user to decide whether the tab stays open or close after saving.

Is there any better ways to tackle this?