Your Mobile Design Strategy: Responsive, Adaptive, Native, Or Not At All?

Your Mobile Design Strategy: Responsive, Adaptive, Native, Or Not At All?

Responsive design is a buzzword in User Experience. Adoption is moving at blazing speed. Designers are blogging all kinds of advice about what mobile strategy we should follow. But really, mobile first for everything?

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UX Portfolios: How To Tell Your Story

UX Portfolios: How To Tell Your Story

How to build a great user experience design portfolio and tell stories that get you hired. By Troy Parke and Patrick Neeman, presented at the Seattle Information Architecture & User Experience Meetup December 10, 2013. Thank you Misty Melissa Weaver for inviting us! You just finished reading UX Portfolios: How To Tell Your Story! Consider […]

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Startup Weekend: Five Tips How To Ship

Startup Weekend: Five Tips How To Ship

Watching people build their ideas is a wonderful experience. I’ve gone through Startup Weekend myself: I participated in the Los Angeles 2009 event, and learned a lot about working with a team in a time compressed environment.

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Infographic: So You Want To Do a Startup

Infographic: So You Want To Do a Startup

Yup, that’s about right. You just finished reading Infographic: So You Want to Do a Startup! Consider leaving a comment!Stuff to check out UX Drinking Game | UX Resume and Career Guide

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Dogs & Cats: How Product Managers Can Work Better With UX Designers

Dogs & Cats: How Product Managers Can Work Better With UX Designers

Thank you for all those attended this session at Product Camp Seattle 2013. You just finished reading Dogs & Cats: How Product Managers Can Work Better with UX Designers! Consider leaving a comment!Stuff to check out UX Drinking Game | UX Resume and Career Guide

You just finished reading Dogs & Cats: How Product Managers Can Work Better with UX Designers! Consider leaving a comment!

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Why I Love User Stories

Why I Love User Stories

While they may not replace high-level product requirement documents in all organizations, they can be used to break those requirements into bite-sized pieces that are easier to digest, understand, and build against.

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Mike Monteiro: How Designers Destroyed The World

Mike Monteiro: How Designers Destroyed The World

This is a great video. We all should watch. You just finished reading Mike Monteiro: How Designers Destroyed the World! Consider leaving a comment!Stuff to check out UX Drinking Game | UX Resume and Career Guide

You just finished reading Mike Monteiro: How Designers Destroyed the World! Consider leaving a comment!

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Five Approaches To Creating Lightweight Personas

Five Approaches To Creating Lightweight Personas

Understanding your audience is essential to building great products. The first questions for any project should be “Who are we designing for? What are their goals? What are their motivations?”

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Five Things I’ve Learned From Usability Testing

Five Things I’ve Learned From Usability Testing

I’ve also learned over time about how to get more effective feedback. Humans are very predictable in our unpredictableness. If you watch for certain patterns, you can increase your ability to discover insights that are normally hidden.

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