10 Unique Animated Underline Text Effects with CSS
The default CSS underline works great. Who could hate it? But there’s always room to improve things. You may not think there’s a lot you can do with underlines, but…
The post 10 Unique Animated Underline Text Effects with CSS appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.
10 Simple Code Snippets for Creating Beautiful Tabs
Tabs are a fundamental part of the web, and they’ve been around for years, but with even more developers going open source there’s a whole world of free code snippets…
The post 10 Simple Code Snippets for Creating Beautiful Tabs appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.
10 Free Open Source Date Picker Plugins
Select menus are a common choice for date pickers since they’re easy to set up. But after decades of MM/DD/YY menus, I think our users deserve better. It’s pretty simple…
The post 10 Free Open Source Date Picker Plugins appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.
10 Amazing Examples of CSS, SVG & Canvas Masks In Action
You can do some amazing things with SVG masks. This technique has been around for years but only recently made its way into mainstream web development. I’ve scoured the web…
The post 10 Amazing Examples of CSS, SVG & Canvas Masks In Action appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.
10 CSS Snippets for Creating Simple Bar Graphs
Looking for a way to create simple CSS bar graphs on the web? This gallery is sure to help since it’s full of free open source bar charts all designed…
The post 10 CSS Snippets for Creating Simple Bar Graphs appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.
10 Free Open Source CSS and JavaScript Select Box Snippets
The default HTML select boxes have served us well for decades. But in the modern era, it’s fair to say they’re a little… stale. Designers can do better and thanks…
The post 10 Free Open Source CSS and JavaScript Select Box Snippets appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.