Asking coordinates in a form

I have a form with geolocation with google maps. Users can input their location through a map modal with a click or through an autocomplete input.

Problem is google is not omnipresent and some countrys have banned google and google maps api. So the idea of having only texts with info fall and I have to put some inputs with the info (street, postal code,etc.), having latitude and longitude as needed info. The question come now with 3 subsections:

  1. Which level of friction I can give to user asking with inputs about that info. It's not something you ask in your common form.
  2. If the level of last question is too high. How good or bad is trying to guess it calculating via the info a user enter via normal inputs?
  3. And when all the previous questions falls. Even knowing a user could register out of the workplace, how bad is guessing the coordinates looking at the IP?