Articles, Links, and Tools From An Event Apart San Francisco 2022
“Declarative Design” (Jeremy Keith)
Declarative Design
- Declarative design on
- Utopia by James Gilyead and Trys Mudford
- Every Layout by Heydon Pickering and Andy Bell
- Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager by Andy Bell
- Layout Land by Jen Simmons
- Designing Intrinsic Layouts by Jen Simmons on
- A declarative Web Share API on
- A polyfill for button type=”share” on
- The reason for a share button type on
- Share Button Type explainer on Github
- When should there be a declarative version of a JavaScript API? on
- How to (not) make a button by Tomas Pustelnik
- The CSS Mindset by Max Böck
- Contextual Spacing For Intrinsic Web Design by Stephanie Eckles
- The CSS mental model by Peter Paul Koch
- CSS Forces by Tim Brown
Design Tools
- Our web design tools are holding us back by Vasilis van Gemert
- Traditional Web Design Process is Fundamentally Broken by Jason Grigsby
- Web Design Tool Wish List by Jason Grigsby
- Declarative Design Tools (archived) by Jem Gold
Design systems
- Declarative design systems on
- Design systems thinking on
- Cascading HTML style sheets — a proposal by Håkon Wium Lie, 1994
- A Dao of Web Design by John Allsopp, 2000
- Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte, 2010
“Eyes on the Prize: Lessons in User-Centered Design” (Anita Cheng)
- Kevin M Hoffman AEA DC 2019 talk: “What is Design Ops and Why Do I Care?”
- Retrospective video about the COVID Command Center
- SF Chronicle article about the COVID Command Center
- UX Theatre blog post and poster by Tanya Snook
- Erika Hall Twitter thread about research and book Just Enough Research
- CDC Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) manual
- In the Bubble podcast
- This Week in Virology podcast
- Zeynep Tufekci in The Atlantic (and Twitter)
- Ed Yong in The Atlantic (and Twitter)
- Dr. Julia Marcus in The Atlantic (and Twitter)
- Dr. Bob Wachter on Twitter
- Eric Meyer and Sara Wachter-Boettcher’s book Design for Real Life
- HmntyCtrd
- 99% Invisible podcast about challenge coins
- Video of Keep Your Eyes on the Prize at the March on Washington in 1963
- Bonus podcast about civil rights activists keeping their eyes on the prize: “Momentum” series by Sharon McMahon
“Websites are Good Now” (Chris Coyier)
- Breakfast Burritos in Bend, Reviewed.
- A Complete Guide to Grid
- Flexible Grids
- A New Container Query Polyfill That Just Works
- Using the Web Animations API
Scroll-Linked Animations: Horizontal scroll section (view-timeline 2022 version)
- Move Modal In on Path
- Flip plugin for GreenSock
- GSAP Flip Cart
- majodev / google-webfonts-helper
- font-display
- Roboto … But Make It Flex
- Variable font animation
- Variable Font Fun with JS-driven CSS Variables
- Fluid Type Scale Calculator
- Home | Utopia
- Container Units
- CSS Container Query Units
- Container Relative Lengths: the cqw, cqh, cqi, cqb, cqmin, cqmax units
- Deliver remote media files
- ReactJS Components and Props
- Apollo Queries
- Astro Components
- CloudFlare Workers
“When New CSS Features Collide: Possibility and Complexity at the Intersections” (Rachel Andrew)
- Solved by Flexbox
- Giving Content Priority with CSS3 Grid Layout
- CSS3 Advanced Layout Module
- The Story of CSS Grid, from Its Creators
- Simplified subgrid proposal
Container queries
- David Baron’s initial thoughts on container queries
- The origin story of container queries
- Use the right container query syntax
Content reordering problems
“Cascading Layers of !mportance” (Miriam Suzanne)
Early Web
- Cascading HTML style sheets by Håkon Lie
- HTML design constraints
- WWW HyperMedia Browser
- Line Mode Browser
- W3C Design Principles
Understanding The Cascade
- A Dao of Web Design by John Allsopp
- CSS Systems by Natalie Downe
- Everything You Know About Web Design Just Changed by Jen Simmons
- User Agent Styles collected by Jens Oliver Meiert
Cascade Layers & Scope
- Layers Process Notes
- Layers Specification
- Complete Guide to Cascade Layers
- The Future of CSS: Cascade Layers (CSS @layer) by Bramus Van Damme
- Getting Started With CSS Cascade Layers by Stephanie Eckles
- Cascade Layers - There’s a Polyfill for That! by Sana Javed
- Layers CodePen collection
- Scope Process Notes
- Scope Specification
“SEO teams—The UX Ally You’ve Been Missing All Your Life!” (Wil Reynolds)
“Animation in Today’s Responsive Design” (Val Head)
“How to Win at ARIA and Influence Web Accessibility” (Tolu Adegbite)
- W3C WAI-ARIA Standard 1.1.
- W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Guide
- W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Patterns
- Mozilla WAI-ARIA basics
- Making Sense Of WAI-ARIA: A Comprehensive Guide by Kate Kalcevich
- WebAIM Introduction to ARIA - Accessible Rich Internet Applications
- Demystifying WAI-ARIA by David MacDonald
- Accessibility OZ: What is ARIA and why use it?
- WAI-ARIA 1.1 Cheat Sheet by Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Frustrating Design Patterns: Disabled Buttons
“Multilingual Design for the Web (and Beyond)” (Preston So)
General resources
- W3C language matrix (W3C i18n, August 7, 2017)
- W3C language enablement index (W3C i18n, May 20, 2020)
- Internationalization techniques (W3C i18n, January 28, 2016)
- CSS for internationalization (Chen Hui Jing, April 19, 2020)
Language attributes
- Using the HTML lang attribute (Léonie Watson, June 14, 2016)
- On use of the lang attribute (Adrian Roselli, December 5, 2021)
- Styling using language attributes (W3C i18n, August 14, 2013)
- Language tags in HTML and XML (W3C i18n, March 3, 2014)
Right-to-left and vertically-set
- Structural markup and right-to-left text (W3C i18n, June 25, 2021)
- RTL rendering of LTR scripts (W3C i18n, July 8, 2022)
- Styling vertical Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian text (W3C i18n, August 1, 2022)
- Languages using right-to-left scripts (W3C i18n, June 15, 2022)
Line breaks, wrapping, and hyphenation
- Approaches to line breaking (W3C i18n, August 12, 2018)
- word-break (MDN, September 26, 2022)
- line-break (MDN, September 26, 2022)
- hyphens (MDN, September 26, 2022)
Ruby annotations
- What is ruby? (W3C i18n, February 10, 2016)
- Ruby markup and Ruby styling (W3C i18n)
- Bopomofo on the web (, October 21, 2014)
- Ruby extensions and Use cases and exploratory approaches (W3C i18n)
Interface and form design
- About languages and flags (Gunnar Bittersmann, June 15, 2022)
- Personal names around the world (W3C i18n, August 17, 2011)
- Text size in translation (W3C i18n, July 3, 2007)
- CSS logical properties and values (MDN, September 28, 2022)
Advanced reading
- SSML 1.1 and docs by Google and Amazon
- Choosing and applying a character encoding (W3C i18n, March 31, 2014)
- OpenType features in CSS (Gustavo Ferreira, September 19, 2016)
- Localization gotchas in CJK languages (Andrew Landry, April 15, 2016)
- Cyrillic script variations and the importance of localisation (Krista Radoeva, October 12, 2016)
- Robust vertical text layout (Elika Etemad)
- Implementing Japanese subtitles on Netflix (Netflix Technology, December 11, 2017)
“Transform Your Meetings Into Hybrid Workshops (That People Actually Enjoy)” (Erin Casali)
“Better Onboarding Through Guided Interaction” (Krystal Higgins)
“CSS :has() Unlimited Power” (Eric Meyer)
“What If People Weren’t the Product?: Building a Web That Loves Humanity” (David Dylan Thomas)
- Closing the Loop by Sheryl Cababa (not out yet but you can preorder)
- The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow (most of the stuff about Kandiaronk is here)
- The User Illusion by Tors Norreandor (some of the mirror stuff is in here)
- This article about Maslow and the Siksika
- Article about Instagram and teen girls
- Article about Facebook and Myanmar
- Document where Facebook presents the Natural Engagement Pattern
- Interview between Sadie Red Wing and Matt May: part one, part two
- My podcast episode about Just World Hypothesis
- Gabe Weinberg’s testimony to Congress
- Seer’s salary transparency statement
- Article on Economic Mobility Index for colleges
- That scene from Pig
- Design for Cognitive Bias