Articles, Links, and Tools From An Event Apart DC 2016


An Event Apart Facebook
An Event Apart Google+
@aneventapart Twitter feed
Twitter Search: #aeadc (AEA DC hashtag)
A Groove Apart: Ten Years of AEA in Playlist Form

Speaker Links and Resources

Jeffrey Zeldman

24 ways: Grid, Flexbox, Box Alignment: Our New System for Layout by Rachel Andrew
24 ways: Putting My Patterns Through Their Paces by Ethan Marcotte
A List Apart: Understanding Progressive Enhancement by Aaron Gustafson
Atomic Design (blog post) by Brad Frost
Atomic Design (book, readable online) by Brad Frost
Content Display Patterns by Daniel Mall (
CSS-Tricks:  Complete Guide to Flexbox by Chris Coyier
CSS-Tricks:  A Complete Guide to Grid by Chris Coyier
CSS-Tricks: The Debate Around “Do We Even Need CSS Anymore?” by Chris Coyier
Designing With Web Standards (Wikipedia article)
Future-Friendly Manifesto
Fuzzy Notepad: Maybe we could tone down the JavaScript by “eevee”
Of Patterns and Power: Web Standards Then & Now by Jeffrey Zeldman (
Has Design Become Too Hard?
Position Wanted: Front-End Director

Sarah Parmenter

May Day, May Day (
A Fireside Chat with Jen Simmons & Jeffrey Zeldman
Facebook Audience Insights
Building a Visual Language: Behind the scenes of our new design system (Airbnb)
The Way We Build:  How rethinking the Airbnb app changed the way we approach design
Voice & Tone: Success Message
Syria’s war: a 5-minute history
Frank Body
OO#2 – frank Body Scrub interview
Frank Body (frank_bod) on Instagram
Frank Body on Pinterest
Victoria (inthefrow) on Instagram
Gary Vaynerchuk (garyvee) on Instagram
marie forleo: B-School
Luke Wroblewski (lukew) on Twitter

Lara Hogan

Designing for Performance (the book)

HTML format (free to read!)
Buy print & ebook formats


Google, Amazon case studies
HTTP Archive’s “Interesting Stats” average breakdown of assets
Reducing image sizes (blurring JPEG study)
Semantics/repurposability clean up study
Battery life consumption study
Mobile-only internet usage
Taming the Mobile Beast
Seth Walker’s A Public Commitment to Performance
Brad Frost’s Performance as Design

Tools and Techniques

ImageOptim CLI
Wordpress plugin
SVG scrubber and another one
FontSquirrel Font Generator
Tutorial on creating videos of web performance

Val Head

To Keep Up On Web Animation and Motion Design

The UI Animation Newsletter

To Read Up on Classic Animation Principles

The Illusions of Life Book
The Animator’s Survival Guide
TED-Ed video - The art of timing and spacing

Helpful research, examples, tools and articles

UI Animation and UX: A Not-So-Secret Friendship
Google Web Fundamentals - Choosing the right easing
Motion & Meaning Ep 4: Playing Director with Choreography
IBM’s Machines in Motion
Meaningful Transitions

A Few Sources For Inspiration

Art of The Title
All The Right Moves
Use Your Interface

Jen Simmons

Examples at
Jen’s on Twitter at @jensimmons
Listen to, especially episodes 115, 114, 81, & 9 for more on layout
Video of Jen’s talk on how to use new CSS now
Video of Jen’s talk, Modern Layouts: Getting Out of Our Ruts
A blog post by Manuel Rego that gets into the implicit and explicit grid, hinting at just how complicated CSS Grid Layout gets
Round specification
Firefox Nightly

Kevin M. Hoffman

When planning meetings early in a larger process, think about agenda
content that manages assumptions. For example, if working with personas,
Indi Young has a great approach.

Drawings with simple diagrams with short phrases eliminate ambiguity and
surface critical decisions. Learn from the master, David Sibbett.

Afraid to draw in meetings? Learn the visual alphabet, and more, from Sunni Brown.

Storytelling is a powerful way to structure a presentation. Learn more
about good story structure from Donna Lichaw in her new book.

Is a Lean Coffee an amazing new drink? Nope. But it’s a great way to run a
meeting without preparing an agenda in advance.

Ever wonder why people are afraid of ideas that feel “too creative” in
meetings, even though they want you to come up with “game changers?” It’s
probably the creativity bias.

Meetings at the end of a process can be really tough and filled with blame.
That’s why ETSY makes them “blameless.”

Eric Meyer

Inadvertent Algorithmic Cruelty
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
1959 Chevrolet Bel Air vs. 2009 Chevrolet Malibu IIHS crash test
The World is Designed for Men
Flickr faces complaints over ‘offensive’ auto-tagging for photos
Google Photos labeled black people ‘gorillas’
“Edge case” tweet by Evan Hensleigh
Apple Adds Menstrual Cycle Tracking To HealthKit App
Performing a Project Premortem - Harvard Business Review
Design for Real Life
Patients Like Me
Voice and Tone
My Favorite Editing Tip: Read It Aloud by Kate Kiefer Lee
Forms That Work
Help, I’m Trapped in Facebook’s Absurd Pseudonym Purgatory

Karen McGrane

Responsive versus adaptive is not a thing
Beyond Responsive Design: How to Optimize Your Website for Mobile Users
Moving Beyond the Responsive Web to the Adaptive Web
Beyond Responsive and Adaptive: Introducing “Adjustive” Web Design
2014 State of the Union for Mobile Web Performance
9 basic principles of responsive web design
Modern Design Tools: Adaptive Layouts
Responsive vs. Adaptive Design: Which Is Best for Publishers?
Mixing Responsive Design and Mobile Templates
Responsive Web Design Podcast: Codepen
A Mobile Responsive Landing Page Is Crushing Your Conversion Rate
Responsive Web Design Podcast: NPR
Responsive design is failing mobile UX
The State Of Mobile Apps For Retailers
2014 Mobile Behavior Report
Netflix, you don’t know diddly about context!
Analyzing The Value Of Responsive Web Design Can Be Messy
Embrace Responsive+ Web Design