Arrangement of info on overview view vs detailed / edit view

My client's site is essentially a collection of forms. When fully expanded, it is very dense. They have broken the info into categories (for simplicity's sake, let's say there's a "personal info" section and a "contact info" section, for example. There are tons of sections, I just want to give you some idea of what I mean since I cannot share screens or details).

Many of the fields within these sections are not required, but they are ordered logically to make input faster. (Keeping with my example, let's use personal info .... first name, middle name, last name, salutation .... Of these, only first and last name are required.) They want to show several sections on a web page. FYI, this is not a mobile site and will not be used by mobile devices as access is tightly controlled.

In the collapsed view of a section ("overview"), they'd prefer to show only a few items, and not necessarily in the same order as they'd appear in the "edit" or "detail" view. (Keeping with my example, first and last name, but not middle or salutation). Then, when the user would click "expand" or "edit," or maybe even "details," the user would see all the fields, in the original order.

Is this bad UX? To view limited content organized one way, then full content organized another? Make sense when you think of the goal of an overview - just the essential or required info, vs all the extra data.