Are there online repos that showcase quality web app design (for desktop browsers)? [on hold]

As a side project, I'm developing my first web app. It will be an in-browser app for now (i.e. no mobile). I am currently designing the static HTML mock-up for the desktop version. Are there any online resources that showcase different desktop web app designs, that I can browse for inspiration?

For example,

  • Awwwards showcases, ", creativity and innovation." They have a Collections-->UX/UI section, that may be useful to me.
  • pttrns showcases mobile app design, so I don't think that will be very useful to me right now.
  • Pages showcases web page design. It has an App Pages section, but there are only two examples.

But none of these really showcase desktop web app design.

FYI I am not a UX designer, I am a web developer. I am doing this side project mainly so I can learn a new web development technology (React in this case), practice my existing skills, and build my first app. But I'd still like the app to look half decent, which is why I'm looking for some design inspiration.
