Are there any good (for the user) design intentions behind this prompt to download a website‘s dedicated app?

When browsing - a Q&A website I value for its lengthy and sometimes inspirational answers - I came across the following message on my mobile phone:

It shows a splash screen prompting you to download the Quora App from the AppStore. From what I can tell, this cannot be closed.

I encountered this message a lot in the last year or so and I‘m pretty annoyed by it because as far as I can tell it cannot be dismissed. However, as of now, Dec. 2019, the Quora App has pretty bad user reviews which is why I don’t want to download it. When clicking on one of the two options in the dialog, I‘m always redirected to the AppStore. As already mentioned, I see no way lf getting rid of this annoying dialog box. So my question is: What is the intention behind forcing users to take a look at an app, even if the user is perfectly fine using the mobile website?