Are the breadcrumbs correct here?

I am wondering if the breadcrumbs I put there are correct. As far as I know breadcrumbs are supposed to show the longest path a user can go to a particular place. So here it is.

However I'm not sure it's correct considering my navigation. I have a sidebar with a few categories, one of which is "Joined games" which consists of particular games. Each game page has a few tabs (shown here as well), one of which is "Blog", where a user can scroll through a lot of posts and choose specific one and enter its own page - and this is the page that I attached. So we're on the particular blog post's page.

This is the level that I no longer have any other indication of (neither in the sidebar nor in the tabs at the top), hence the breadcrumbs, which I do not have yet in any other place in the project.

Are they displayed correctly? Or is there something I should change due to the way my navigation works?

enter image description here