Are icons in business software helpful?

me and my team are working on a re-design for an internal software, that people within our customer service do use to track shipments in real-time.

I am thinking about a way to efficiently show different states of shipment or any kinds of problems with icons.

I've read some articles about the use of icons in interfaces and that they actually work for sure only for universaly understood metaphors like "home" (house icon), "search" (magnifying glasses) "print" (printer).

But in our case our users are expert users and they work with this software the entire day. But anyway, I think that this should not be an excuse for not trying to make intuitive and as easy as possible to understand icons.

I am now looking for some information or studies about the efficiency of icons in expert systems, where it is hard to find an intuitive metaphor for complex situations.

It is said that when you have to think for more than 15 seconds to come up with an icon, you should not use one at all.

Can icons be helpful in expert software and increase efficiency VS text?

Thanks :-) Sebastian