Are dashboards important or should users be directed to an information page?

I'm designing a platform where users manage multiple marketing campaigns. So there is a main page with the list of campaigns with minimal details (campaign name, active dates, etc). When you select a campaign, it would then go to another page revealing more details.

I wasn't sure if it was good practice to give them a dashboard/welcome page for each campaign (which includes a little bit more campaign details with a read more button that goes to a full details page and some analytics underneath), or if I should send users directly to a page with full campaign details with the analytics on a separate page.

There were pros and cons to both as listed below:


Pros: eases user into campaign, have overview

Cons: user might overlook information, information might be redundant

Separate Details/Analytics

Pros: Information all in one place, looks cleaner/more differentiated between purpose of pages

Cons: Cognitive overload, overwhelming for user

Diagram of platform structure

Campaign Structure Options

I would love to hear other's advice on best UX practices with this, thanks!!