Application of color to indicate interactivity in a table with a mix of sortable and unsortable columns

I'm working on an application and utilizing a blue color to indicate interaction. Links are indicated with the blue color and an underline, the buttons have a blue background, tooltip icons have a blue background, etc.

My question is: How do I apply color to indicate interactivity to table headers in a table with a mix of sortable(interactive) and unsortable(not interactive) columns?

I have thought of three approaches to this:

Keep the sortable headers blue and the unsortable black. Drawback: Column headers are traditionally the same color so having some blue and some black breaks from the norm. This would mostly look weird I think. Here's option 1

Keep the headers all black. Drawback: The expectation is set with the blue color as interactive, so leaving the headers all black could leave users thinking that they can't sort by the header. Here's option 2

Keep the headers all blue. Drawback: Completely misleading and seems like it could be the most confusing so I'm not even really considering this. Here's option 3