APP – Designing a basket without ‘Go to checkout’ button

I'm designing a checkout flow for a meal kit retailer (similar to Blue Apron and Hello Fresh).

The checkout flow is as follow:

  1. Choose recipes
  2. Add extras (optional)
  3. Checkout


  • The user needs to be able to view and modify his selection before going through the checkout.
  • From a business point of view, we need the user to go through the 'Add extras' step and that's why we can't have a 'go to checkout' CTA in the basket.

When we tested the initial version, we found out that users expect to go to checkout from the basket as this is the standard behaviour you can expect from a basket on any e-commerce websites/apps.

We therefore decided to maintain the primary CTA above the basket so that the next action to be taken is always visible and accessible (see screenshots below).

I think the interaction when opening/closing the basket could be better and I'd be keen to have other opinions. Thanks :)

Basket closed/opened