Android Material dialogs: should the button height and font sizes be altered to improve clickability?

Developing an Android app here. We use dialogs often in the app using the standard Material dialog theme. As a regular user of Android, I personally feel like the dialog buttons are too small, and that's on a device with classic 360dp width. Whenever using the app in the emulator on a larger device such as 480dp, the buttons just seem ridiculously small due to the overall size of the device – especially the "OK" button in English.

The specifications page shows the button text as 14dp and the clickable height as 36dp. (That clickable height is less than the Material recommendation for smallest click region.)

Is it common for Android apps to override Material.Dialog themes specifically for size considerations? And what do Android UI designers think of the Material dialog button design on large screen devices? Does it make UX sense to increase some of the size metrics on large screens? This is in regard to phones specifically, no tablets.