An Event Apart 2018 playlist

Your whole staff does such an amazing job every year. You guys think of everything (expert speakers, sharp visuals/projections, great wifi capacity, efficient check-in, high-quality audio system, wonderful music playlist, wide variety of food options, and incredibly punctual start times). Any other conference I’ve gone to has paled in comparison!
–Phil Nunnally Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

As attendees like Phil Nunnally attest, An Event Apart is one UX and front-end web design conference where no detail goes unpolished. From the flow and thematic connections between speakers and topics to the brightness of our projection systems, and from the educational value of each subject to the freshness and variety of meals and snacks, no part of the experience goes undesigned. Our purpose in all this fastidious attention to detail is to work as hard creating a great educational experience for our community, as you do creating great web and digital experiences for your users.

Among these many considered details each year is the music we play between sessions and during the lunch break. And on this first working day of the new year, it gives us great pleasure to present An Event Apart’s 2018 musical playlist on Spotify. Here you will find an eclectic yet strangely congruent assembly of recordings by greats from Marvin Gaye to the Velvets, Daft Punk to Das EFX, Jimmy Cliff to Iggy Pop, Bill Withers to Monsters of Folk, Cat Stevens to Kraftwerk, Beach Boys to Ramones, and Frank Zappa to the Roots. With extra helpings of Prince and David Bowie. Like the conference itself, it’s a combination of things you know and love with things you didn’t know you needed. Something familiar, and something new, for everyone.

You can hear this playlist right now on Spotify, but it sounds best in context—at the show. So make plans now to attend An Event Apart in 2018 in a great city near you. Now featuring one-day passes and three Special Edition events. And while you wait to attend the conference, enjoy An Event Apart’s 2018 musical playlist on Spotify.

P.S. For maximum enjoyment, turn on Crossfade and set it to 12 seconds in your Spotify Settings.