Am I wrong and is it in fact not weird for some elements in a radio button group to not generate events?

In a discussion under this answer to Make PySimpleGUI Radio Buttons generate events I expressed that I felt that if some buttons (elements) in a single group of radio buttons generated an event and others in the same cluster didn't, it would be "weird".

I think it's weird to have a group of radio buttons where some generate events and others don't. My only examples before this were the actual buttons on radios from where the term originates, Matplotlib's RadioButton widget, and every UI I've ever used as an end user. So it's de facto weird to me. I'll look at some other examples now to see how common mixed buttons (some generating events, some not) is.

Am I wrong?

A simple way to answer might be to just give one or a few examples where this would be used and a package besides PySimpleGUI provides this.