Alternative to side scrolling table for an infinite list of X-Axis checkbox items

I have a problem in which there is a table that does not have a predefined amount of columns or rows. i.e., for both the X and Y axis there is no limit. This invites a high probability of the user encountering a side scroll interface.

The table has been created so that user can make selections by column and row.

i.e., for Row A, I select Col A, Col B, Col X.

With both X and Y axis variable, and the table serving the purpose of a multi-option check list, has anyone experienced an interface alternative?

I am thinking about card selections. I.E., a user selects a card and then checks options vertically rather than horizontally. I think this will be a more pleasant user experience, but then the user is no longer exposed to every row at once, which can be helpful for understanding the dynamics between the rows.

Any other ideas?

Excel example which aligns with current (problematic) interface: enter image description here

Topic with solution A (i.e, the card select solution): enter image description here