Alternative synonyms for "My Stuff"

Are there any good alternatives/synonyms for a menu item where the user can access their "stuff" or personal items? Not only their settings and personal data, but also their items, favourites, own products and things like that. Something else than "Profile" or "Account" or "My Stuff".

For instance, if this was for a game, where you collect "Items", "Characters", "Active Games", "Friends"... You would access them there, besides your user data.

To clarify a bit more without revealing too much confidential stuff about the application, it's the place for accessing not only personal settings, but also one's collection of different kinds of items. And it ought to sound a little more fun and less stuffy.

I found two sets of alternatives:

STUFFY: - Collection - Register - Directory

FUN: - Stash - Hoard - Trove