Allowing and disallowing actions from list

I am developing an app for managing user permissions and roles etc. I have one screen where you can explicitly allow or disallow user some action, but I cannot decide how to design that page.

My currently implemented idea is this 3 tables

You have available actions on the left and you can either allow something using the check button (it will appear in assigned permits) od disallow with the cross button (it will appear in assigned forbids). And then you can cancel it with the "unassign" button in those right tables.

Mobile version has all 3 tables separated in tabs and you have to switch between them.

I've got one more suggestion to make only one table and when you permit something, it will for example turn green or something and forbid will turn red.

Something like this another idea

It would have either two buttons (when it is currently assigned and you click it again, you unassign it completely) or three buttons (with the middle one for unassigning).

What do you think? Or do you have any other idea?