Advice: UI for app with column like input

I'm working on an app for a volunteer organisation (Scouting group) where users can indicate what he or she had to drink from the bar. This so an 'admin' can see how much each person had to drink and ask them to pay the drinks every 2 months. A 'tab'.

The analog way this is done now, involves multiple pieces of paper with lots of columns. Rows indicate everyone in the group of people. The columns indicate drinks. So when a person drinks a Coke, he draws a small line in the box for Coca Cola with his name.

I've already made an app that uses this pattern:
User chooses a drink → user indicates for every person how much units they 'ordered' for that drink.

This means, when you get drinks for 5 people, whom all had a different drink, you have to do a lot of tapping to input everything. It's very important the users can quickly enter the drinks. Now the app is not used a lot because how slow it can get entering everything.

Is there a known UX pattern to solve this kind of problem? An example of an app doing this would also be convenient. I've tried searching for it. The fact I can't name the problem simply make this a touch hard.

Thanks for the input!